For you



Style Meets Function

Our range of bags are the perfect companions for baby carrying. Our collection caters to every style and need: from large shopping bags that provide ample space for all your purchases and baby essentials, to fashionable sling bags made from carrier fabric that are not just practical but also make a fashion statement, to handy softshell bum bags that keep your most important small items safe and within easy reach. Each bag is designed to seamlessly integrate with your baby carrying gear, making carrying your baby even more comfortable and functional.




Strengthen the Bond Right from the Start

Our Bonding Top supports the skin-to-skin experience that is so crucial for your newborn's development and well-being. It not only fosters a healthy parent-child bond but also boosts the confidence of both parties. Ideal for those first moments together and beyond.


Dowabo Bottles

Dowabo Bottles

Always the Right Drink at Hand

Discover our DOWABO insulated bottles, which keep your drinks cold for up to 24 hours or hot for up to 12 hours. Ideal for hot coffee in winter or cool refreshments in summer. Our insulated bottles are not only temperature resistant but also carbonation-proof – perfect for fizzy drinks or champagne on the beach. For more volume, choose our drinking bottles, which impress with their leak-proof quality and stylish design. Wherever you are, DOWABO accompanies you in style.

Dowabo Bottles

 Sac pour peser des bébés

Baby Weighing Bag

A Must-Have for Midwives and Parents

This special bag, designed for the gentle care of the littlest ones, is used alongside a hanging baby scale to accurately weigh infants up to 8 kg. Crafted without internal seams, our Baby Weighing Bag offers a secure and comfortable spot for your newborn. The reinforced double seams ensure utmost safety, while the long, durable straps facilitate easy attachment to any hanging baby scale. The cross-elastic fabric adapts flawlessly to your baby's tender body, avoiding any pressure points.

Baby Weighing Bag

Demonstration Doll

Demonstration Doll

Practice Makes Perfect

Master the art of babywearing with our Demonstration Doll. Designed for parents and babywearing consultants, this doll offers a realistic practice experience to safely master various tying techniques and carrying positions. Whether you want to practice tying a wrap or test the adjustments of a baby carrier, our doll simulates the weight and size of a real baby, helping you to effectively practice the techniques and gain confidence in your babywearing skills.

Demonstration Doll