Our tying instructions for the Hoppediz baby slings
Our tips:
- Carrying is easy and wonderful: Be patient with your baby and yourself. Practise in a relaxed atmosphere and you will soon master everything.
- If you feel insecure, we recommend attending a carrying course which is held in your local area. You can also contact qualified carrying advisors with confidence. You will find a list at www.trageschule-nrw.de
- Du kannst unsere Bindeanleitungen in vielen Sprachen bekommen. Natürlich liegt jedem Tragetuch eine ausführlich bebilderte Anleitung mit bis zu drei Bindevarianten bei.
- Our tying instructions are available in many languages; of course, each carrying aid comes with a detailed and illustrated instruction with three tying variants. Further instructions can be found for download on our website. Thus, you will always have your favourite instructions available on the tablet or mobile phone.
This carrying variant can be used for the very little ones because you wear your baby in an ideal position on your body. It is especially comfortable in the summer because only one sheet of fabric is covering the baby. However, when your little one has grown more, you should switch to another variant because with the described method you carry most of the weight on the upper part of your shoulder/neck; this can turn nasty in case of a heavier weight.
The double cross carry is advantageous be- cause it can be pre-tied without a baby. If your baby wants to have a rest or sleep, or he/she is teething or colicky, you can take him/her out and put him/her back in as often as you like. If the weather is bad, you can also pre-tie it at home where you are nice and dry. This variant can be used right from the be- ginning as soon as you have really under- stood it, and also later when babies are bigger and heavier since their weight can be very well distributed on your back.
The good thing about the rucksack- carry position is that you are carrying the weight of heavier children on your back where it is much more comfort- able and easier. Furthermore, your front is free and you can do a lot of things. Your baby also has a super view of the world beneath from up there! Once chil- dren are starting to learn to walk, the rucksack-carry method is very good be- cause you can react to your children’s needs (with the sling in a rucksack or the pocket for the return journey) much better than you could with a pram in one hand and the child in the other.
Every carrier usually has their favourite side, but we recommend changing the carrying side now and then to protect your hips and to prevent over- loading to one side. The hip carrying position is suited for short distances, at home or e.g. when partying. If the little ones are getting tired and fretful they are sitting in the sling, next to your body, feeling well and right “in the middle of the play”. They often fall asleep after some minutes. You recognise the properly tied hip carry position when you don’t need to build a counterweight to your baby and when your spine stays straight or you do not bend in your hip.
The flat knot can be used for each carrying method as a closing knot. It shows the following advantage in regard to a classical double knot: As its name suggest, this knot is lying particularly flat thus offering a significantly more comfortable c arrying feeling, e.g. in case of thicker sling fabrics. Moreover, it holds reliably and can be reopened easily.