How Hoppediz was born
In 1999, we had a baby and I knew: I want to have my baby near me in a baby sling. So I ordered cloth from a good supplier known to me and then I started to develop my first baby sling. I wanted it to be affordable, but of high quality, diagonally stretchable in a special weave without wearing out, and it needed to have a nice touch. After some creative attempts, I had a wonderful sling in my hands - but I hardly knew how to handle it. A carrying course brought the realisation:
Tying and carrying can be so simple if it has been explained properly!
The mothers in my acquaintance were excited about by “my” baby sling. So, I ordered high quality models for them, too, and continued to gather information, had finally registered my business – HOPPEDIZ® was born.
In the following years, we developed the full company’s programme and attended further trainings, midwife conferences, congresses for premature babies and breastfeeding. Ingo Schröder has been the first trained carrying adviser in Germany and, since then, we recommend the Trageschule Dresden®. Thanks to your controlled production, we received our first VERY GOOD in the Öko-Test Yearbook of 2005.
In 2007, our wonderful daughter Nina was born: As a child with Down’s syndrome, she showed us in a special way how precious and important carrying is. As a practical alternative to the baby sling, we soon developed the BONDOLINO® and, inspired by our daughter, the innovative CamoCup® for those who need to learn to drink!
Our products are developed because we are missing something or because we see the need for others. We search, develop and find perfect solutions and complement our offer with innovative products.
By now, HOPPEDIZ® is well known far beyond the German borders and we deliver our products, among others, to distributors and end users in Europe, USA/Canada and Asia.